Tuesday 15 June 2010

Ancillary Tasks

For my portfolio we need two ancillary products to go along with our short film 
The two options that we decided on are -

-A film magazine review page featuring the film. 
-A poster for the film.

We have been given our first deadline for Friday. We need to hand in a proposal for our chosen options, and some information on them, Media A2 is definitely underway.

Monday 14 June 2010


After Karina explained the tasks for our A2 portfolio, we divided into groups or 2, 3, or 4 so that we could start brain showering ideas and putting them into a mind-map. There are three of us in our group, Jazz, Lizzy and me. Originally I thought of creating a Movie Theatre Promo, however the story called for an older woman actress, which we would have not been able to acquire. This led us to choose a short film. The story is still to be decided...