Tuesday 24 August 2010

Research into similar products short film 01

I did a textual analysis for a magazine double page spread. I found this quite hard, as I have never done a analysis for something like this before. Luckily there were some tutorials from last year on our college website. I also did my first textual analysis of a short film called “love Field” it uses allot of the same affects and angles that I am planning to use in my short film. It is also a very serious theme, and so I think we could learn allot about what they are trying to portray. 

Friday 20 August 2010

Emergency Meeting

Today I met with Jazz so we could discuss how far we are with the coursework , and even on planning the final product, as since the results day, Lizzy has dropped out of Media , so we had to update the roles and responsibilities list, as Jazz and I need to take over her responsibilities. We also discussed our layouts and how we could improve them. We also started the script for the last scene in our short film. It is going to involve  some very complicated camera angles, which I hope we can accomplish. 

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Mood Board

Today I created my mood board. I tried to use pictures that portray each scene in my short film. I used pictures of 50’s rooms and hairstyles, and from “Skins” which is a muse for much of what we are filming, also the idea of what it is about, the struggle of modern teenagers, is what mine is about. I have put the pictures on in such a way that it almost tells a story , and so just by looking at it you can have an idea of what I am making. 

Saturday 7 August 2010

Research into similar products poster 02

Today I did my second textual analysis while being on holiday.  It was a poster from a film called ‘I’m not there’. It featured a silhouette smoking in front of a white background. The main feature of this poster was the lighting. The lack of colour and no extra frills is also what I am hoping to use in my poster. Its very plain, but also very strong, and sends a clear message to the audience. Its also from a serious film , which is what mine is going to be. 

Textual Analysis Move Poster 2 

The black silhouette contrasts with the stark white background, suggesting to the audience a character that stands out of the light, that is perhaps guilty of some crime he has committed, and so wished to remain hidden. The audience also gets an idea of black vs white, or good vs evil, and that this film deals with morality as a theme.
The silhouette also suggests the idea that he's famous and therefore in the limelight but the silloutee gives the impression of being in the shadows as if there are things about him you don’t know yet, that the movie is going to portray.
The smoke trailing from the cigarette is significant, as the famous phrase, “where there’s smoke there’s fire” would suggest to the audience that the smoke symbolizes that the source is dangerous. In this way the audience can glean that the protagonist is a dangerous character, not to be meddled with.
The change in the colour of the text draws the audience’s eye to it , making it stand out, and also giving it the place of importance on the cover.
His hair is disheveled which implies a rock and roll type protagonist , who doesn’t care about the conventions of society.
His sunglasses propose that he is in disguise, but not to conceal his identity, but to cover his eyes, so no one can see what he is really feeling or seeing, as the eyes “are windows to the soul”.
The mise-en-scene of the poster suggest a rock and roll character, which contrasts the forlorn stance and lighting of the character, implying he is famous and admired , yet he will always be isolated.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Research into similar products poster 01

Today I did my first textual analysis of a movie poster. First I had to find the right posters, as I want something that is similar to the poster I will be making for my ancillary task. I found the poster from a horror French indie. The most important aspect of this poster is the colours used. That’s what really catches the eye of the audience, and in the same way I am planning to use colours in my poster, to really connote the roles of the characters on the poster. 

Textual Analysis Poster-1

The positioning of the characters on this poster suggests duplicity.
There is a symmetry of the two women portraying a light and a dark side,
 hot and cold, opposites but at the same time the same.
Blue often represents calm, frosty, detached and unfeeling. This is the mask for she uses to conceal her red self, which connotes
Red suggests heat . It is a strong colour that summons up a range of seemingly conflicting emotions from passionate love to violence and warfare. Red is Cupid and red is also the Devil.
The woman in red is the same as the woman in blue, except that she is battered and looks damaged.  The connation of this is that the woman in red is the woman in blue, but inside her. Her feelings and emotions, hurt, cut, stitched.  However the woman in red has blue in her eyes, which suggests to the audience that they are part of each other, and that her eyes are part of the mask that hides her inner self.
The faded font suggests to the audience a crumbling wall, perhaps the wall that is her blue self, letting her red self out, as her will weakens, as she loses control over her calm exterior, and her red self creeps out.
Smoke is deadly and so the smoke could connote to the audience that it is indicative of the inevitability of death, and of hell, evil, fire, and brimstone. On the other hand because of the positioning of the smoke in relation to the blue girl, and as blue is the colour of the dead, it could be a spirit, a life force, something being given from the evil side to the good side, reviving her and bringing back some of her life, or giving her some of her evil.