Tuesday 30 November 2010

Evaluation : Question 3

Audience feedback has been collected in several different ways. The first was through a questionnaire that focuses on qualitative information. This questionnaire was given to a mere 20 people to answer, and these were all people within the already defined age bracket so relevant feedback could be gleaned. The questionnaire was created with a seperate section for each of the three products, so feedback could be collected on each individually.

I learnt from this feedback that the products were an overall success, however that the heroin scene did carry on slightly longer then expected. Also the main aspect that was appreciated was the editing, how it was in time with the sound track, this proved my research that media films that are targeted towards the youth are often edited in this way as it keeps their attention and involves them in the story. The poster was rated in between 8 and 9 which proves its impact and the overall rating for the double page spread was a high 9 and the highest points were rated the layout and the use of images, from the sets, and the film itself. 95% said they would purchase the review, and 87.5% said they would watch the film that the poster was advertising, based on the poster. This shows that the three products are a success. 

The second was through posting the video on the popular social network  FaceBook and video community YouTube to collect a larger selection of comments and feedback. Here a few examples of the comments.

This feedback shows the success of the products from a wider base. A few comments were from people above the target age which proves that the product can be enjoyed by audience members outside of the target audience. This was the true test of the product, to be a success as a niche and mainstream media text. Also it showed that the despite the low production costs, the use of a strong concept carried the story through. The lighting was also commented as strongly complimenting the film. This feedback proves the success of the product as it was received well with high reviews from its audience.

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